Te value proposition of the Tomate 2000 Association is: Service, Productivity, Reliability & Innovation.
TOMATE 2000 Association
Our mission in Tomate 2000 Asssociation is to develop research and transfer technology, in the processing tomate industry to achieve a sustainable agribusiness, focused on technological and organizational innovation that constributes to regional development.
The Association promotes and encourages the adoption and certification of quality standards, and continuous improvement in all areas.
Every year the Association designs and provides internal training to its technicians, and to all its partners, seeking to achieve the entity's strategic objectives, and the constant updating and specialization of its members.
Rural extension
The heart of the entity's services is rural extension, where our extensionists advise, motivate, support, collaborate and promote the development of our partners.
Hail Damage Compensation Solidarity Fund
The farmers of the entity every year constitute a compensation fund, which is improved year by year, and allows to cover the damages produced by hails.
Applied research is a fundamental part of the entity, which is carried out through agreements with institutions such as INTA and other regional entities

Tomate 2000 Association is a non-profit civil organization founded in 1997, in the region of Cuyo-Argentina, in which participate agricultural producers, tomato processing industries, suppliers of good and services, National Institute of Agricultural Technology (I.N.T.A.), San Juan and Mendoza Governments, the most relevant actors in the national industry tomato cluster, working from North to South, in La Rioja, San Juan and Mendoza provinces.
The organization is conceived in the supply of 5 fundamental services: Agricultural extension (technical assistance/management), research and development, training courses, compensation system for hail damages and quality control.
The actions of the program are summarized in its ´Program of Responsible Integrated Horticulture´, where through a process of formal vertical integration of all its actors, from inputs and tomato seedling to the factory-made product, it is framed in process of continuous improvement, in search of higher efficiency and productivity of the supply chain through permanent innovation and in harmony with every year more demanding social and environmental concepts.
The value proposition of the organization is: Service, Productivity, Reliability & Innovation. Internal areas of the organization:
Association Board
Executive Committee
General Coordination
Extension and Training Coordination
Administration & Accountability
Technical Commission
Research and Development Coordination
Quality Commission
Our Team
One of the main objectives of the Tomate 2000 Association is the permanent training and specialization of professionals. Specialists trained in our organization nowadays are prominent references in different national and international companies and institutions of the sector.
The organization is constantly searching for advanced students for training practices, support in research projects and training activities.
Our team ir currently made up as follow:
Ing. Agr. Juan Ávila (San Juan’s Extensionist/Pressurized Irrigation)
Ing. Agr. Analía Díaz (San Juan & La Rioja’s Extensionist/Precission Agriculture)
Ing. Agr. Alberto Herrera (San Juan’s Extensionist)
Ing. Agr. Mercedes Lopez (San Juan’s Trainees)
Ing. Agr. Agustín Recabarrén (San Juan’s Extensionist/Vegetal Protection/Research/GAP)
Ing. Agr. Diego Corominas (Mendoza’s Extensionist/Precission Agriculture/GAP)
Ing. Agr. Pablo Guevara (Mendoza’s Extensionist)
Ing. Agr. José Pierantonelli (Mendoza’s Extensionist/GAP)
Ing. Agr. Agustina Flores Otoya (Mendoza’s Trainees)
Ing. Agr. Santiago Lund (San Juan´s Trainees)
Ing. Agr. Emiliano Quinteros (San Juan’s Trainees)
Ing. Ignacio Martín (Mendoza´s Trainees)
Ing. Yanina Marchesini (Mendoza´s Trainees)
M. Sc. Ing. Agr.Guillermo San Martín (General Coordination)
Lic. Patrick Smith (Research INTA)
Ing. Agr. Gonzalo Quinteros (Research INTA)
M. Sc. Ing. Agr. Cosme Argerich (External Consultant)
Ing. Agr. Horacio Angelelli (Extension Coordination/Training/